A ransom is not impossible. Tarroni Nicola tries to load the team before the game tomorrow afternoon. The second of Cadregari stopped talking a few minutes ago, in order to present the game the next day. The two technicians will try as always to the shock of being able to give their kids for the big game, though, the challenges in these blue-white have never failed.
"We need continuity. - Explain the coach on the eve Nicola Tarroni - Unfortunately, this season we are accusing a bit 'too this problem. Against the so-called small on paper, we have lost quite a few 'points, however, against the top teams in the championship we have won many. Against most teams I think it's a lower average age and problem, you can find the stimuli themselves. We have this limit since the beginning of the championship, because then when you go to see the list before the game, it influences a lot in the stimuli. However, we have a very young team and we know this can happen. Tomorrow we will as always play our game. Although we are faced with many defections we will be able to get out of Milazzo with an important result, because the desire to do well is certainly great. - Continue the Tuscan coach in his thesis - Even our opponents, the twenty-first leg came in September, with six unavailable, then you are required to have excellent performance and brought home the victory, then, was the beginning of the long climb to win the third place today. Thus, we can also rely on a bit 'to luck. So, our problem is not those who absolutely must be there: in fact, we have the advantage of having a very large and pink, who replaces an injured person or a disqualified becomes worth a lot, as confirmed by the field in recent months . Against all go down in the field can do well and I think he saw this very well. - Add the second Adriano Cadregari - The playoffs are still within our reach, we have only four points of difference from this area, however, all will depend only on us.
against major stimuli were always there. Unfortunately the main problem concerns the number of absences this week have hit on the blue-white. But tomorrow afternoon as opposed to those who come to the field, Matera will try to bring home very valuable points for the playoff fight. "Sorry to have all these defections. - Says the coach about possible biancoazzurro eleven tomorrow - Unfortunately we are still dealing with the disqualification of Villagatti that tomorrow will observe the second round of disqualification. This week we also lost Fusco, and Formuso and off for two weeks. Then, last night we slept with high temperature rings. Sorry to have all these absences. The problem for the defense will be resolved in the best way between tonight and tomorrow, with Cadregari will seek the best solution. But who will play, it will do in its natural role, and I think it is a stimulus for those who fall in the field for the first time, as has been shown in previous adventures. I also strongly believe that those who play it will at best, trying to get us more and more doubts in the coming weeks. Logrieco unfortunately did not have it done, but we're looking for Musacco. - Concludes the interview with the second trainer Nicola Tarroni - For the rest I can say that, in the same field there will be training on Sunday, as always we rely on them .
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