Goodbye my sweet companion, you came into my life as the rays of the morning sun coming through the windows warms the heart and enlighten my anima.Tu you were driving to my feet, You who have been guardian of my feelings, you who have scrutinized in me, teaching me patience, giving me the strength and the courage to look at the world, with you, I never had and never afraid I'll have more for you now are in me, in my skin. Farewell, My true friend, you've won your eyes so I could see, you gave me your heart so that I could love, I've dedicated your life because I understood what it meant to live and now I dedicate mine to remember your nome.Addio Kim.
Today we left our friend the collie KIM Elisa that she infinite love has made us to know and love in the world there are special dogs that look human and with whom you speak with a single glance, you enter the soul be Kim was so 'and today I can only weep with Eli in thinking I have not heard 'his new stories, but undoubtedly remain' in our hearts and in our memories while we loved you sweet kim !!!!!